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Individual Lessons

Promising personalised guidance and a friendly approach, with patience and understanding.

Girl Playing Beginner Piano


New students can often feel nervous about starting lessons and can sometimes become frustrated with the mistakes they can make during lessons. I have always celebrated mistakes and I have been able to reassure students that the mistakes are needed in order to progress. I often play pieces for students in their lessons showing them my own mistakes!

Music Performance


Learning a musical instrument is not easy, it takes patience and concentration, from both student and teacher. Some students have a natural ability and musical ear, whereas others may struggle. I understand all of the difficulties associated with learning the piano and I will utilise students' own strengths in order for them to progress. It is always delightful to see students' faces when they master a new piece or a difficult section of music!

Sheet Music Over Piano

ABRSM Examinations

Many students wish to work through the traditional piano grades and I have over 23 years experience in entering students of all ages for external examinations with the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, with a 100% pass rate. If students wish to complete their grades, I can guide them through the process of learning their pieces, scales, sight reading and listening tests with patience and empathy. Practise is essential however! I will enter students when I feel they are ready and prepare them for the experience of an external practical exam. I remember how I felt leading up to each of my exams!

On a Video Call

News & Updates

Update - 15 Dec 2021: Unfortunately due to the seemingly never-ending situation with Covid and the emergence of yet another variant, I have to continue to restrict lessons to online only, however I do hope to resume to face to face lessons as soon as the situation improves sufficiently to allow 1:1 lessons to take place safely. If you wish to make an enquiry about lessons, please use the contact form on this website, or if you prefer, please telephone me on 07793 060636. If I am unable to answer your call please leave a message. I will pick up all messages and website contacts at the end of each day and I will return your call or message as soon as possible.

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